
半自動立式ETPU成型設備 PV 850

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半自動立式ETPU成型設備 PV 850


半自動立式ETPU成型設備 PV 850

Semi-Automatic ETPU Foaming Machine PV 850



Our distinctive advance features: 


  • 每臺設備模面分別可安裝2-3雙鞋底模具,

  • A complete machine can produce 2-3 pairs of male and female middle sole.


  • 計劃生產非常靈活,每??呻S意選擇生產或作打樣穴位數量。

  • Production planning can be more flexible that the number of single mold can be freely choose to make sampling or standard production.


  • 模具安裝尺寸可任意調整更換,適合市面上所有機型的模具尺寸

  • The installation of the mold can easily be adjusted and suitable for the common mold size of all models on the market.


  • 根據大小不同的中底,單穴獨立調整??p的創新技術,解決目前市面上全模統一??p,小碼超重的問題

  • According to the different sizes of mid-sole, new innovative technology of single cavity adjustment of crack is used to solve the problem of uniform mold crack in the market at present, and small size mid-sole overweight problem is easily solved.


  • 專為模內壓一體成型定制的特種設備,上下可插入碳纖維板及雙密度組合生產新型產品。

Special equipment specially designed for integrated In-molding mold, capable of inserting carbon fiber boards and producing new products with dual density combinations.


  • 優化加熱氣蒸沖模工藝,減少加熱過程中的蒸汽損耗,大大節省加熱時間,而且蒸汽可收集到蒸汽回收系統,降低生產成本。

  • Optimize the steam purging process, reduce the total steam loss during the heating process which can greatly save the steaming time, and steam can be collected into the condensate recovery system, reducing the total production costs.


  • 可兼顧所有以飽和蒸汽成型鞋底的爆米花原材料

  • Can accommodate all types ETPU popcorn raw materials for saturated steam farmed mid-sole.


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